Wednesday 27 November 2013

Here an app, there an app, everywhere an app, app...

Apps, apps and MORE apps....

I am thankful for blogger and the idea that I can blog in "real time" during class and have a great record of what we have done and the apps we've explored.  I know that in the future I will refer back to my blog often to look for an app that will meet the needs of a student I am working with.

Here are some of the apps we discussed in class.

iBooks - easy for student to manipulate (accessibility options, etc.)

Book Creator - can't wait to use this app to create personalized books that the students can relate to their own lives (publish to ibooks so it is easy to manipulate)

Readiris - uses in conjunction with Claropdf

Clicker Sentences - $26.99 
  • (Emergent Writers, children with Down Syndrome)
    • scaffold the sentences
      • model/no model
      • cut up sentence
        • guided/random, alphabetical, randomn, 
      • edit/create new sentences
      • FREE premade sentences
Clicker Docs - $30.99
  • Word banks 
  • Sentence Sets - downloaded at
Proloquo2go - $219.99
  • Good for non-verbal student
  • Augmentative communication tool, much easier to use than past technologies.
  • Motivational: Interfaces with iMessages and email.
  • Other similar augmentative apps: 

Symbol Support - $59.99 - Teacher needs this to create, students use Symbol Support Viewer - FREE
  • Similar to Writing with Symbols
  • Copy & paste from another source
  • Documents can be sent to students via Dropbox
  • Great for creating social stories, visual schedules
  • Many options to individualize for students (i.e. color parts of speech, 

Garage Band - Free

  • Alternate mode of expression
  • Motivational/engaging
  • Audio recording answers
  • Lots of other free apps similar to this one
  • Leads to voice to text
Book Creator - $4.99

  • Alternate forms of expression - any age/curriculum
    • builds in all features
      • drawing, movie making, audio recording
      • add pics from photo library
      • full accessible to those who are blind (add hyperlink, add text description of the photo)
    • publish to the iBook shelf
iMovie - $4.99

  • Alternate way of expressing
  • Motivational & engaging
  • Social collaboration
Here is a quick tutorial

Toon Camera - $1.99

iBooks - Free

  • engaging and interactive text books
  • enhanced text books are now being used
  • closed captioning with this app during videos
  • text can be highlighted and emailed out to another application

iReadWrite -$19.99

Pages - $9.99

  • Go to word processing app

Keynote - $9.99

  • Powerpoint for the iPad
  • voice recording not available - however you can use a program like "Garage Band" to voice record and import it.

Numbers - $9.99

  • Creative spread sheet

Explain Everything - $2.99

  • input video & text 
  • screen capture as you do a walk through lesson
  • Great for math lessons
  • Visually more accessible than Khan Academy.
  • Similar to Educreations

As we begin to dable in iTunes U and developing our own course it is critical to always keep UDL in the forefront and allow it to guide us as we plan our instruction.

UDL (Universal Design for Learning) 
 Access for ALL from the beginning

Here is a link to my course in iTunes U:

I took a bit of a different approach in that I wanted this to be something that I could do with the staff at my school.  I created a course on the Two Sisters "Daily 5" with links for the staff as well as assignments for the teachers and their students.  I provided them with links to tutorials for a variety of apps and features on the iPad to help meet the needs of all of the students in their classes. I am excited to use this course with the staff during some of our site based PD in the new year.

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